Increased Overactive Bladder Symptoms in Primary Sjogrens Syndrome
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 50 patients with pSS and 44 NHC were included. For all the participants, the forms of OAB-Validated 8-question Awareness Tool (OAB-V8) and 3-day voiding diary were completed. The diagnosis of OAB was made in the presence of OAB-V8 scores higher than 8. The 3-day means of the parameters in the voiding diary form were calculated and recorded.
Results: The rate of OAB was found to be 56% in patients with pSS, while it was 22.7% in the NHC group. Comparing the pSS patients with the NHC group, significant differences were observed in terms of mean OAB-V8 score (11.5 8.8; 6.5 5.3 P < 0.05), daytime frequency (8.4 3.7; 3.6 2.6 P < 0.05) and nocturia (2.2 1.24; 1.2 1.1 P < 0.05). No incontinence was observed in any patients.
Conclusion: OAB was encountered more frequently in pSS patients than in the NHC group. Since OAB is a treatable symptom complex, it should not be ignored, and symptoms of OAB should always be searched in pSS patients.